Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

The Key Of Victory

From 14 centuries ago, Muslim troops under Muhammad the prophet won the first war against the enemies, Badr War. That’s very astonishing victory due to the number of Muslim (about 300 people) was less than Quraisy troops (more than one thousand people), it means Quraisy had more than 3 times in the number which is hard to believe how can Muslim can win the war.

Beside the badr war, there were many wars which the number of Muslim troops were always less than their enemies (see the Uhud war, Tabuk war, Khandaq war, etc). We can find the exception in Hunain war, when Muslim’s number had more troops than the enemies. They were almost got the shellacking due to they thought with the bigger number of troops could bring them to the victory. According to this, Allah relegated His saying :

“In truth, Allah has helped you (Oh Mu’minin) in many battlefields, and (remember) in Hunain warfare, which is when you became arrogant because of lots that do not provide benefits to you at all, and the earth which has been widely felt narrow for yourself, then you run the rear with separate divorced” (Qur’an At Taubah 25 ).

The shortage condition of power not only happened in the Muhammad the prophet’s era but also in the previous and after his era.

In the previous Muhammad’s era, almost all prophets were in the shortage condition. Ibrahim and his follower’s power were less than Namrudz’s power, so in order to beat him, Allah only sent him a mosquito to kill him. That’s condition almost the same with Musa and his follower which their power were less than Fir’aun’s power, then Allah killed him by His ocean.

In the after Muhammad’s era, we still remember the great history of Muhammad Al Fatih, the conqueror (or we can say the liberator of the City from colonization) of Konstantinopel (now, that place is called Istanbul in Turkey). Commonly, at the time of beginning of war, the commander always reminding the troops about their physical preparation such as the weapons, war uniform, and another physical shapes, but we found different from Muhammad Al Fatih when he prepared his troops. Do you know what questions from Muhammad Al Fatih to his troops before they conquered the city?. He gathered his troops and asked them whether they had never missed Sholat from their teen until that time. After that, Muslim troops under Muhammad Al Fatih won the warfare and conquered the country. This history was very amazing because the connection between all troops and Allah was really kept tightly.

Those phenomenon were very interested, because Muslim had usually won the warfare with the number of troops less than the enemies, as we know from Qur’an Al Baqarah 249 :

And when Thalut out with his army, he said: "Verily Allah will test you with a river. So who among you drink water, she is not my followers. And whosoever not drink it, unless little scoop by hands, then he is my followers”. Then they drink it unless some of them. And when Thalut and those who believe with him had crossed the river, the people who had been drinking said: "There is no ability for us on this day against Goliath and his army. People who believe that they would meet Allah, said: "How many little ones who can beat a lot of class with the permission of Allah?. And Allah is with those who steadfastly persevere." (Qur’an Al Baqarah : 249)

Those victories must be happened because of their connection to Allah were very closed. They had kept their worship and kept themselves from any sins which can cause victory didn’t descend from Allah. We still remember the question one of the Khalifah when Muslim was defeated in war, whether they had Siwak (brushed their teeth). Keeping the cleanliness is one of sunnah from Muhammad the prophet which is also the efforts to keep the relation with Allah.

Build strong Jamaah to reach the Victory

“Allah loves those who fight in him in an orderly rows as if they were structured like a building firm” (As Shaff : 4)

We can get the positive side from Ali Bin Ali’s stated : “Goodness that is not structured can be defeated by evil structured”. The strong Jama’ah which are get the closeness to Allah and avoid the sins together can get the victory due to their loyalty.

Commemorate to the victory

“Aid and victory comes from Allah then so praise Him” (An Nashr : 1)

It’s so clear the victory only the right from Allah, that’s the essence. There are no victory nor loose without Allah's permission. After the connection between us and Allah has been built, the steps after that are building the physical preparations such as power of troops and strategies. Allah shouldn’t give help and aid (victory) if His servant only pray and don't do anything. So, human obligations are work and pray, the victory will be given by Allah to anyone who is Allah’s will.

“Hey the men of faith, remember the grace from Allah to you when comes to you the troops, and then We send them hurricane and the troops that you are not able to see them….” (Al Ahzab : 9).

Many wars that angels came to help Muslim troops which couldn’t be seen by Muslim themselves but could be seen by the enemies.

Let's reach the victory by enhancing our self, bring our self closer to Allah and estrange from any sins. This is time to unite our potentials, consolidate our ranks and then commemorate the victory of Islam in this universe.


Aji Teguh Prihatno

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